Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions

concerning payment through: INES2024 Offical Payment Website

  1. Basic information 
    1. This webpage is the official payment portal of the
      • IEEE 17th International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics
      hereinafter referred as INES2024 conference.
    2. The INES2024 will be held from July 17-19, 2024 - Gammarth, Tunisia.
    3. The Operator of INES2024 Offical Payment Website is the IEEE HS Villamosmérnökök Országos Egyesülete - hereinafter referred as Operator -, VAT number: 18240146-2-41, Address: Budapest, Bécsi street 96/b, ZIP: H-1034. with the concerning international bank account with the following details: IBAN: HU62 1170 5008 2048 5478 0000 0000 - Swift code: OTPVHUHB.
    4. The Buyer is the INES2024 registrants who pays the registration fee of the INES2024 through INES2024 Offical Payment Website
    5. Through the INES2024 Offical Payment Website the Buyer indicates the Operator its intension to starts the payment of the registration fee of INES2024. Meanwhile the Operator assures the possibility of participation on the event for the Buyer; in this respect a contract is created between the Buyer and the Operator.
    6. The INES2024 Offical Payment Website is hosted, operated and maintained by the Integrated Conference Solutions Kft. - hereinafter reffered as Service Provider - VAT number: 25866481-2-05, Address: Tokaj, Toldi street 7, ZIP: H-3910. The Service Provider and the Operator directly contracted in order to coordinate the payment services of INES2024 Offical Payment Website.
  2. General conditions
    1. By using INES2024 Offical Payment Website, Buyer automatically accepts this "General Terms and Conditions". The contract comes into effect by the successful payment via INES2024 Offical Payment Website
    2. Operator reserves the right to alter this: General Terms and Conditions” partly or fully. The modified "General Terms and Conditions" will come into effect with its disclosure on INES2024 Offical Payment Website
  3. Payment information
    1. Operator informs Buyer about the data that are necessary to make the payment via INES2024 Offical Payment Website
      Buyer acknowledges and accepts that during the registration process the following data are recorded:


      • Personal information (eg.: name, e-mail)*
      • Invoice (eg.: name, institution, address)*
      • Shopping cart (what you selected during the registration process)

      * For full list of input data you should be check the actual registration form of INES2024 Offical Payment Website

    2. Buyer provides Operator his/her/its data by filling out the payment form, Operator is responsible for issuing the confirmation for the registration fee based on these data. Responsibility for false or wrong data will be borne by the Buyer. Operator is entitled to erase obviously false or wrong rpayments and entitled to check the validity of the registration if case of any doubt.
    3. Buyer hereby expresses his/her/its consent to the recording of the data indicated in point III. A. by the Operator to use them in connection with the payment.
    4. Operator states that the data collected during the registration will be treated confidentially and used exclusively in connection with the event.
  4. Payment conditions
    1. Buyer accepts the terms of contract and also this "General Terms and Conditions" by clicking on "Registration". Buyer will be informed about the successful payment by e-mail. By accepting this "General Terms and Conditions" Buyer also confirms the reading and acceptance of this "General Terms and Conditions"
  5. Payment method
    1. Barion Payment Inc. is the online payment service provider.
  6. Invoicing
    1. Operator issues an original invoice about the payment of the registration fee at latest during the registration process on the spot at the registration desk. The invoice will be handed over to the Buyer on the event.
  7. Complaints
    1. Buyer can send his/her/its complaints to contact support@iconf.eu in English or Hungarian. Operator answers the complaints or starts the necessary investigation in 72 hours after the receipt of the e-mail.
  8. AOB
    1. Operator accepts the payment intentions to the event exclusively through INES2024 Offical Payment Website